Saturday, January 15, 2011

Woods Walk

As I have mentioned before, we have a small piece of woods near our house I call Shram's Woods. Ginger loves to walk here as she can get off her leash, smell where ever she wants for as long as she wants and sometimes she is able to play with other dogs who bring their pets into the same woods for a walk.

We try to get into these woods at least once a day. Usually Friday, Saturday and Sunday are my opportunity to have a nice morning walk with Ginger. We do the trail in different ways depending on our mood. We always stop at our Personal Space (PS) to add a stick to the shelter or some kindling to the wood pile. It is a peaceful time.

The woods are made up of pine, oak and hickory mainly. There is a row of sassafras along the field edge and a persimmons tree or two. Holly is scattered here and there. It is a nice woods.

There is a path circling the woods with a few cross paths connecting the edges. It has been widened throughout for quad usage, but they are in there very often.

I enjoy the early morning peace the woods gives me. I love getting into the woods and my bush craft blood starts flowing as we pass the guard rail and strike off the paved school trail that connects the two neighborhoods. It isn't wilderness or remote, but I take what I can get, when I can get it.

We can have fires at the PS and one day soon, I will be trying out my Modular Sleep System (MSS) that I got for Christmas. It is just the Chinese one, but it seems warm enough. A night out in the winter woods, close enough to home so I can abort if needed will be the test.

This morning was very nice. It was a calm 25 degrees and I was dress properly so I stayed comfortable as we did our circuit.

I am most at home and feel the most profound peacefulness as I walk these and just about any woods. It is good.

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