Friday, January 11, 2019


I've been remiss on this site for a while now.  It's time to add a post.

Every year, I make a resolution or two on the new year.  Most times, I've forgotten what it was by the first day of spring and move on from there. It's never a real big deal with me. Plans change. Shit happens.  

Last year I resolved to get out for at least one overnight each month of the year.  I actually didn't do too bad and if you counted my nights as an Outsider, I far surpassed 12 nights, but I wasn't able to spread it out over the whole year.  After I returned from the trail with my injured shoulder and had surgery, I went from July thru December without spending even one night in the nature that I love.  I haven't slept in my hammock since my last night on the Trail in June.  

This year, I resolved to start walking again.  I have two reasons for doing this and I really hope I can accomplish the goals I have set for myself.  

First, I need to get moving again.  I don't run anymore, I have ballooned out to a very high weight that I need to start reducing and walking is my most enjoyable activity.

Second, I want to get my body once again used to walking every day.  If I'm going to finish this Quest, I need to walk another 600 miles.  Being ready for that is important.

So, for the month of January, I hope to walk at least 5 miles a day, every day.  Actually my goal at this time is 30 miles a week, which is less than 5 a day, but I hope to increase that goal each month as time goes by. 

I'm 11 days in and doing well still.  I have walked every day and am starting to really enjoy it.  I don't do it all at one time.  In the morning Ginger gets her walk in the woods.  I try to keep it around a mile.  After I work a couple hours on the Uber, I go out for a walk along the streets of my community.  I try to find a new route each day or at least add to or change a route that I have walked before.  I have been exploring some of the streets and woods of my past.  In the evening, Ginger gets another walk.  Usually another mile.  

I have also trespassed a few times, but that is the hazard of the activity.  As I explore some of the old woods trails nearby, From time to time, I end up in someone's backyard as I try to make my way to a street to continue my walk.  So far, no one has called the cops on me or shot at me yet.  

I'm liking the feeling of sore walking muscles each day.  I have even developed a little hiker hobble if I sit around too long.  

So if you live near me and see a guy with a long white beard walking out of the woods into your back yard.  Don't shoot me, I'm only passing through.


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