Sunday, March 24, 2019

The Hardest Thing About This Quest

Pamola's Quest started in April of 2017.  To walk the whole trail and get myself to Pamola Peak on Katahdin, rebuilding the Talisman of the Storm along the way and presenting it to Pamola on his mountain.  

The Quest continues.  When I started the Quest, I was hoping that maybe we would do the whole thing in one go.  Essentially a Thru Hike.  But, I knew that the chances of that were going to be low, so I didn't make it a primary goal.  The primary goal of the Quest is to get it done.  With no time limit.  

As the Quest evolved due to various influences, the potential of it being a Thru Hike evaporated (maybe for another day, who knows), but the Quest itself continued.

I have never quit my hike.  I just get "off Trail".  And that has become the hardest part of this Quest.  Being off Trail and waiting to get back on again.  So far I have weathered the physical part pretty well.  Yes, I did injure myself by tearing my rotator cuff, which required surgery to correct, but I was still able to continue hiking for three more weeks, even though I knew something was wrong and it wasn't going to heal on its own.  

The mental part of the hike is mostly responsible for the evolution of the Quest. After LoGear decided to get off Trail, my mind started telling me that maybe I wanted to get off too.  At least for awhile.  After trying to ignore those voices for a while, I decided that they may have a point and knew that I could get off and come back later to finish. The Quest didn't have a time limit other than the span of my life. 

Hindsight has shown me that the decision to break up the Quest into Phases, was a good one.  Some things have happened when I was off Trail that would have been missed opportunities if I hadn't left the Trail.  One example is being able to see Tom Petty in concert on his last earthly tour.  

I have 600 miles left to finish the Quest.  About 50 days or so of hiking.  I have set a date to return at the end of May.  As early as I can start up north, when the trails of Vermont are slightly less muddy.  I'm sure they will still be a challenge.  And I will also be dealing with the black fly season by starting back up that early.  But I must.  My daughter is growing my first grand child in her belly and I want to be back by her due date of July 15th.

So, I sit here and wait.  I have my final Phase planned out.  I'm basically ready to go, with just a few consumables to purchase to refresh everything in my pack.  

The waiting is truly the hardest part of this Quest.  But wait I must.  

Soon I will be back "on Trail".


The waiting is the hardest part
Every day you get one more yard
You take it on faith, you take it to the heart
The waiting is the hardest part

Tom Petty - The Waiting 


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